Alaska Heliskiing
Heliski Alaska Locations
Alaska Heliskiing & Heli-Snowboarding offers more challenge, fewer amenities (typically) and the heliski Alaska season is later than BC Canada. Alaska heli skiing is known for steeper, longer runs and fewer of them per day. It is not recommended to heliski Alaska for your first heliskiing and heli-snowboarding experience. But advanced intermediates can heliski Alaska.
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Ready for Alaska Heliskiing?
Compare Alaska Heliskiing to Canadian Heliskiing. But don’t let that discourage you, Alaska heliskiing is awesome! The Alaska heliski terrain is somehow….bigger. It is hard to describe to someone who has not been Valdez heli skiing, Haines Alaska heliski,or other areas for Alaska heli skiing and snowboarding. The steep, Alaska heli skiing is top notch. The climate, weather, and terrain combine to make the snow ‘stick’ to these steep runs. The Alaska heliskiing and heli boarding season is shorter and later than that of Canada. It's best to heliski Alaska late February, March and April.
Most of Alaska heliski and heli-snowboarding is centered around Valdez or Haines, Alaska. Most Alaska heliski operators offer lodging in a motel, with daily shuttles to the helicopter pad. But there are notable exceptions, with lodges or cabins. Check out the interview series Alaska Heli Skiing Operators compare and contrast Valdez Alaska Heli-Skiing and Junea / Haines Alaska Heli-Skiing Alaska.
We are happy to help you find the best heliski operations and options.
Map of Northern Alaska Heliskiing Locations - Valdez and Anchorage
HELISKI.com represents all of these Alaska Heliskiing operators. Valdez Heli-Skiing, Anchorage Heli-Skiing and Heli-Snowboarding and more. We are happy to help if you choose to heliski Alaska. Let us know how many in your group, when you would like to go, how many Alaska heliskiing days you want, and anything else about the experience that is important to you.

Map of Southern Alaska Heliskiing Locations - Haines and Juneau
HELISKI.com represents all of these Alaska Heliskiing operators. Haines Heli-Skiing and Heli-Snowboarding and more. We are happy to help if you choose to heliski Alaska. Let us know how many in your group, when you would like to go, how many Alaska heliskiing days you want, and anything else about the experience that is important to you.

Valdez & Anchorage Alaska Heliskiing Operators
Juneau / Haines, Alaska Heliskiing Operators
- Submission Date: 2024-04-26 13:28:39
- name: Jamie G
- Conditions / Snow Quality: Dissatisfied
- Terrain: Dissatisfied
- Vertical Amount: Dissatisfied
- Skiing Pace: Dissatisfied
- Groups (Size, Groups per Heli, Compatibility): Dissatisfied
- Guides: Very Dissatisfied
- Avoiding Down Days: Neutral
- Lodge: Satisfied
- Food: Very Satisfied
- Lodge Staff: Very Satisfied
- Amenities: Satisfied
- Travel Convenience: Neutral
- Price / Value: Dissatisfied
- Overall Experience: Very Dissatisfied
- Comments: I did this yesterday and told you it was the worst. Totally incompetent head guide etc. We like the Ruby Heli skiing and will be returning there. It is the best, great terrain, qualified and professional guides.
Skiing Satisfaction | Very Satisfied | Satisfied | Neutral | Dissatisfied | Very Dissatisfied | Not Applicable |
Operation Satisfaction | Very Satisfied | Satisfied | Neutral | Dissatisfied | Very Dissatisfied | Not Applicable |
- Submission Date: 2024-04-27 19:40:32
- name: Jame G
- Conditions / Snow Quality: Very Dissatisfied
- Terrain: Very Dissatisfied
- Vertical Amount: Very Dissatisfied
- Skiing Pace: Very Dissatisfied
- Groups (Size, Groups per Heli, Compatibility): Very Dissatisfied
- Guides: Very Dissatisfied
- Avoiding Down Days: Very Dissatisfied
- Lodge: Satisfied
- Food: Very Satisfied
- Lodge Staff: Very Satisfied
- Amenities: Satisfied
- Travel Convenience: Neutral
- Price / Value: Dissatisfied
- Comments: horrible. won't recommend Silvertip
Skiing Satisfaction | Very Satisfied | Satisfied | Neutral | Dissatisfied | Very Dissatisfied | Not Applicable |
Operation Satisfaction | Very Satisfied | Satisfied | Neutral | Dissatisfied | Very Dissatisfied | Not Applicable |
- Submission Date: 2024-04-28 9:52:47
- name: Flavio G
- Conditions / Snow Quality: Satisfied
- Terrain: Very Satisfied
- Vertical Amount: Very Satisfied
- Skiing Pace: Very Satisfied
- Groups (Size, Groups per Heli, Compatibility): Very Satisfied
- Guides: Very Satisfied
- Avoiding Down Days: Very Satisfied
- Lodge: Very Satisfied
- Food: Very Satisfied
- Lodge Staff: Very Satisfied
- Amenities: Very Satisfied
- Travel Convenience: Very Satisfied
- Price / Value: Very Satisfied
- Overall Experience: Very Satisfied
- Comments: Fantastic Lodge; great Service; great Skiing
Skiing Satisfaction | Very Satisfied | Satisfied | Neutral | Dissatisfied | Very Dissatisfied | Not Applicable |
Operation Satisfaction | Very Satisfied | Satisfied | Neutral | Dissatisfied | Very Dissatisfied | Not Applicable |
- Submission Date: 2025-02-07 11:07:57
- Conditions / Snow Quality: Satisfied
- Terrain: Very Satisfied
- Vertical Amount: Satisfied
- Skiing Pace: Satisfied
- Groups (Size, Groups per Heli, Compatibility): Very Satisfied
- Guides: Very Satisfied
- Avoiding Down Days: Satisfied
- Lodge: Very Satisfied
- Food: Very Satisfied
- Lodge Staff: Very Satisfied
- Amenities: Very Satisfied
- Travel Convenience: Very Satisfied
- Price / Value: Very Satisfied
- Overall Experience: Very Satisfied
- Comments: I'm a repeat customer of Silvertip heli. I've been to 8 different BC heli/cat lodges. I consider silvertip to be one of the best operations in BC. They have the terrain, 60ft of snow , and its north so its tends to be colder to preserve snow. No heli operator is perfect, but i feel silvertip has more odds stacked in their favor to make your trip amazing.
Skiing Satisfaction | Very Satisfied | Satisfied | Neutral | Dissatisfied | Very Dissatisfied | Not Applicable |
Operation Satisfaction | Very Satisfied | Satisfied | Neutral | Dissatisfied | Very Dissatisfied | Not Applicable |