Alaska Heli Skiing vs Canadian Heli Skiing Compares and Contrasts Heli Skiing Alaska vs Heli Skiing Canada
Alaska Heli Skiing vs Canadian Heli Skiing
Alaska Heli Skiing vs. Canadian Heli Skiing? I get this question a lot from clients who want to Alaska Heli Ski. Heli Skiing Alaska is very different from Canadian Heli Skiing. There are stark contrasts in terrain, snow, lodging, runs, pricing, travel and amenities between Alaska heli skiing and heli skiing Canada. The big differences heli-skiing Alaska vs heli-skiing Canada are……..
- Heli Skiing Alaska is almost all above tree line. Most heli-skiing in Canada has a variety of high alpine and tree skiing. Alaska Heli Ski terrain has NO trees.
- Heli Skiing Alaska weather is more problematic, both for travel and for skiing (I was once down for 6 days in a row in Valdez Alaska). You may have to drive from Anchorage (5 hrs.) because the flights in and out of Valdez are canceled, often. Alaska Heli-Ski risk….
- Heli Skiing Canada is more travel-friendly and more weather friendly than heli-skiing Alaska
- Alaska heli skiing is serious steep. They can get as extreme as you can handle. I’m an accomplished powder skier and former ski bum. There are places that will scare the hell out of me in Alaska. They claim to have terrain similar to Canadian heli skiing, but that is not where you heliski in Alaska.
- Alaska heli skiing is beautiful and wild. It is hard to relate the vastness of heli skiing Alaska vs heli skiing Canada. But heli-skiing Alaska is striking!
- We work with some great heli-skiing operators in both Canada and Alaska.
- Heli Skiing Alaska is a later season than heli skiing Canada, because of the temps and the daylight. March is the early season for Alaska heli skiing. April is prime time for heli-skiing Alaska
- Alaska heli skiing accommodations are not luxurious. Nothing like Canadian heli skiing lodges. Sometimes you commute from a Valdez hotel or even stay in a motor home.
- There is an operator out of Mt. Alyeska that would allow you to ‘warm up’ before you go heli-skiing Alaska
- Heli Skiing Alaska or Heli Boarding Alaska. And you can ski the resort or go catskiing on down days. Let me know if you want me to research.
TJ Heli Skiing Alaska – Heliskiing and Scenery are Amazing and Dramatic
I would NOT try Alaska heli skiing for my first heliski trip, have a tight schedule or want the classic heliski lodge experience. Heli Skiing Canada is the place to start.
I WOULD heli-skiing Alaska if I was craving steep, easy on time, patient and looking for bucket list check marks.
Let us know if you want recommendations for heli skiing Canada or Alaska, or both.
We represent all of the Heli Skiing Alaska Operators and just about every Canadian Heli Skiing Operator.