Skeena Heliskiing BC Canada

Skeena Heliskiing BC Canada

Skeena Heliskiing offers an intimate helicopter skiing experience in the for the strong intermediate to advanced skiers in the Skeena Mountains, BC, Canada.

Read Our Helicopter Skiing Operator Interview With Skeena Heliskiing BC

Fast & Fun at Skeena Heliskiing BC

The heli-skiing is fast and fun at Skeena. Owner “Jake” is a former bump racer from Europe. His clients are typically looking to ski fast and get lots of vertical. This works well, as the Bell 407 shuttles groups. There is not much waiting and plenty of helicopter skiing / heli-boarding.  And Jake is probably the best skier with whom I have helicopter skiing in the backcountry.   His skiing is fast, smooth.  Yet he is humble and generous.

Skeena Heliskiing in BC

Speaking of fast, Skeena Heliskiing is one of the first BC helicopter skiing operators to sell out every year. So you may want to look more than one heliski season in advance – especially to get the best weeks.

Additional Information

Skeena BC HeliSkiing offers a great boutique experience.  The lodge is stellar, the helicopter skiing is excellent and the host is terrific.

Skeena Heliskiing BC Location

Lodge location 63 km North of Hazelton BC. Canada, 1.5 hrs drive from Smithers airport BC, Canada. If you search for ideal BC heliskiing lodge, you may find a picture of the Bear Claw Lodge. Private rooms, hewn logs, high ceilings and all the amenities welcome guests of Skeena Heli-Skiing. Located two hours by van from the Smithers airport, Skeena is relatively easy to access.

Skeena Helicopter Skiing Terrain Description

Helicopter skiing in open glades below tree line, chutes and trees to open alpine features and glaciers. 8250 km2 of skiable terrain.

Additional Information

Guests per Lift: 5.

Lifts per Helicopter: 2.

Type of Helicopter: B2 or B3.

Lodging and Dining Description:  One of the nicest heliskiing lodges we have experienced!

Resort and Cat Skiing Options: Resort Skiing in the town of Smithers.  Catskiing possible. Heli Skiing Private Packages Offered: Yes. Down Days per Season: average is 5 Airport for Travel: Smithers BC.

Standard Helicopter Skiing Packages Offered

Standard package is 7 day package with a minimal of 6 days of heli-skiing BC. If weather and conditions are good skiing is possible on arrival day adding one more day.  30’500 vertical meters guaranteed. Private packages for groups of 4-8 inc. 11 hours of heli time.

What is Unique/Why Skeena Heliskiing BC?

Skeena Heliskiing offers a large variation of terrain that experienced skiers can enjoy to their outmost due to small groups size and small helicopters – giving everyone free and untracked terrain.  The low number of down days gives you a lot of skiing, especially if the weather is not ideal.  Skeena Heli-Skiing Lodge clients stay at the Cliffs at Kispiox River which is one of the most exclusive lodges in BC.

Skeena Heliskiing BC Gallery

    Very SatisfiedSatisfiedNeutralDissatisfiedVery DissatisfiedNot Applicable
    Conditions / Snow Quality
    Vertical Amount
    Skiing Pace
    Groups (Size, Groups per Heli, Compatibility)
    Avoiding Down Days
    Lodge Staff
    Travel Convenience
    Price / Value
    Overall Experience

    Very SatisfiedSatisfiedNeutralDissatisfiedVery DissatisfiedNot Applicable
    Conditions / Snow Quality
    Vertical Amount
    Skiing Pace
    Groups (Size, Groups per Heli, Compatibility)
    Avoiding Down Days
    Lodge Staff
    Travel Convenience
    Price / Value

    Very SatisfiedSatisfiedNeutralDissatisfiedVery DissatisfiedNot Applicable
    Conditions / Snow Quality
    Vertical Amount
    Skiing Pace
    Groups (Size, Groups per Heli, Compatibility)
    Avoiding Down Days
    Lodge Staff
    Travel Convenience
    Price / Value
    Overall Experience

    Very SatisfiedSatisfiedNeutralDissatisfiedVery DissatisfiedNot Applicable
    Conditions / Snow Quality
    Vertical Amount
    Skiing Pace
    Groups (Size, Groups per Heli, Compatibility)
    Avoiding Down Days
    Lodge Staff
    Travel Convenience
    Price / Value
    Overall Experience