Got “The Call” Today for Heliskiing Canada / Heliskiing Kanada

Heliskiing Canada aka Heliskiing Kanada. We talked about it last winter. We talked about it on and off over the summer.  When are we going to heliski Canada / heliski Kanada again?

Where is the best location for heliskiing Canada, given our requirements?

Why is it heliski Kanada instead of heliski Canada?   Read more  below…

Then yesterday, my buddy Steve called and said, “Let’s do it.” Time to commit to Heliskiing! Or to Heliboarding, for you riders.  Heliski Kanada or heliskiing Kanada for some of our European friends.

heliskiing Kanada, Kanada Heliskiing

Fortunately, I am in a position to ask for seats to be held, so our spaces were still available. Some weeks, and even some months are booked up. There are plenty of good heliski trips available, but every day there are fewer.

Working around the Olympics? Sure travel could be harder.  So Bella Coola is offering 5% off from late January through February. You have to book it through us.

heliski Kanada, heliskiing Kanada, cmh heli skiing powder shot, cmh heli ski
Heliski Kanada for Powder Shots Like this one from CMH.

Early and late season are the best deals to heliski Kanada.  January gets more snow and you ski more trees.   February is the sweet spot for heliskiing Kanada.  March is the month to heliski Kanada if you want sunshine, warmer weather and better stability – which will allow of high alpine and glacier heliskiing Kanada.

What is heliskiing Kanada?   Just another way to say the best heliskiing in the world – Heliskiing Canada!I’m not sure why the Europeans call it Kanada.  Seems German.  I’ll Google It.

Heliskiing Kanada, where heliski Kanada has many meanings, including

Heliski Kanada, can be a religious experience.   So heliskiing can be confused with Kanada (philosopher), the Hindu sage who founded the philosophy of Vaisheshika.  You decide.

Is it time for you to make The Call?


On Key

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